How to Use the Top Performers Reports

These reports provide information about the best performing destinations, customers, carriers, and agents for a specific period of time.

Users can choose from predefined report periods – today, yesterday, last week, etc. – or select an exact date range from the calendar.

All reports have 2 parts – chart and data table.



The chart section supports one graph and ability to choose how many results to present you (from 1 to 10).

The graph data dropdown menu is based on the relevant report and has several available options for visualization:

  • Attempts
  • Calls
  • Session Duration
  • Charge duration
  • Revenue from calls
  • Cost
  • ASR(%)
  • ACD (min)


You can choose from three types of view:

  • pie chart
  • bar chart
  • comparison chart (compares the total with the filtered information)


Data Table

In the data table section you can view detailed information according to the chosen criteria.

All columns can be sorted as needed and the generated reports can be downloaded in .csv format or emailed.


Please note that all results in these reports are displayed in base currency.


Reports > Top Performers > Destinations


You can filter the information per customer and/or carrier by entering the customer/carrier ID or by searching by company, first/last name or email.


The data table gives detailed information organized in the following columns:

  • Prefix – the area code of the destination
  • Destination name – the name of the destination
  • State – the state of the destination (USA and Canada only)
  • Revenue from Calls – the revenue for the selected period, customer or/and carrier
  • Total Revenue from Calls – the revenue for the selected period, for all customers who sent traffic to these destinations
  • % of Total Destinations – % of the revenue from the total revenue



Your top 10 destinations are shown above.

The revenue from Ghana mobile from Customer 1035 was $36.16.

The total revenue from Ghana mobile was $40.51.

Thus the “% of Total Destinations” is 89.26% (36.16/40.51)- in order words this customer accounts for 89.26% of all revenue to Ghana mobile for this period.


Reports > Top Performers > Customers


You can filter the information per destination and/or carrier – you can enter the destination prefix, or choose the destination name or state from the dropdown menu – you can also enter the carrier ID or search by carrier name.


The data table gives detailed information organized in the following columns:

  • Account ID – the ID of the customer
  • Account name – the name of the account
  • Revenue from Calls – the revenue for the selected period, destination or/and carrier for the account
  • Total Revenue from calls – the total revenue for the selected period, for all destinations and all carriers for this account
  • % of Total Customers – % of the revenue from the total revenue
  • Gross margin – the gross margin (revenue minus cost) for this account for the selected destinations/carriers



Your top 3 customers are Accounts 1008, 1009, and 1035.

The revenue from Customer 1009 through carriers 1, 2, and 3 was $205.99.

The total revenue from this Customer was $358.48.

Thus the “% of Total Customers” is 57.49% (205.99/358.48) – in order words 57.49% of all revenue from this customer for this period is terminated by these carriers.


Reports > Top Performers > Carriers


You can filter the information per destination and/or customer – you can enter the destination prefix, or choose the destination name or state from the dropdown menu – you can also enter the customer ID or search by customer name, company, first/last name or email.


The data table gives detailed information organized in the following columns:

  • Carrier ID – the ID of the carrier
  • Carrier name – the name of the carrier
  • Cost – the cost for the selected period, destination or/and customer
  • Total Cost – the total cost for the selected period, for all destinations and customers
  • % of Total Carrier – % of this carrier’s cost from the total cost for the selected accounts



Your top 3 carriers are 3, 10, and 15.

The cost from Carrier 15 for Account 1035 was $21.26.

The total cost from this Carrier was $56.50.

The “% of Total Carriers” is 37.27% (21.26/56.50) – in order words this customer accounts for 37.27% of all cost from this carrier for this period.


Reports > Top Performers > Agents

You can filter the information per subscription plan – you can enter the plan ID or search by subscription plan, effective date, bill base or status.


The data table gives detailed information organized in the following columns:

  • Agent ID – the ID of the agent
  • Agent name – the name of the agent
  • Revenue from calls – revenue from calls for the agent
  • Total Revenue from calls – total revenue from calls through all subscription plans assigned to this agent for the selected period
  • % of Total Agents – the % of the agent revenue for the selected subscription plan(s) from the total revenue of the agent for this period
  • Gross margin – the margin (revenue minus costs) for this agent’s subscription plans
  • Commission – the commission for the agent
  • Net Margin – the gross margin less the agent commission



Your top 4 agents are 1, 2, 3, and 4.

The revenue from calls for Agent 1 is $3,485.

The total revenue is again $3,485 as we have not chosen a specific subscription plan.

“% of Total Agents” is 100% (3,485/3,485).